


NPM Version

BeamToIX is a powerful frame-by-frame animation ecosystem, designed to create an animated story in the web browser and generate the file images of each frame in either a local machine or in the cloud.

This project was formerly known as ABeamer. Read here how to migrate from ABeamer to BeamToIX.

Unlike VelocityJs and JQuery.animate which were built for real-time user interaction, BeamToIX allows you to build complex frame based animations and save them frame-by-frame with transparency at high resolution and lossless compression without frame drop.

When an animated story is designed to be rendered in the cloud, no software is required to install on the local machine, allowing video hosting services, ad network, e-commerce companies many other businesses to provide a tool for their users to add text, images, and special effects to their images or videos by just using the web browser and then teleport the story to the company's machine to render the frame images and generate animated gifs or videos.

If you find this project useful, please, read the Support this Project on how to contribute.

BeamToIX includes a web browser library, a render server agent and a command line utility. For the BeamToIX Animation Editor, read Animation Editor.

  • BeamToIX web browser library is a highly extensible TypeScript/JavaScript library bundled with a rich toolset reducing the time to build complex animations.
  • BeamToIX render server agent is designed to communicate with a render server, usually a headless web browser, in order to save each frame to the disk. It can run either with the full potential supporting Code Handlers or in a sanitized environment allowing you to safely to render animations created by other users.
  • BeamToIX command line utility allows you to build new projects, render frames, create animated gifs or movies.

Read the requirements for details about the necessary software to install if you need to render, create gifs or movies in the local machine.

  • Free and Open-source.
  • Simple and intuitive design.
  • Supports rendering in the cloud in a sanitized environment.
  • Extensively documented: Documentation.
  • Absolutely minimum dependencies.
  • Highly Extensible via plugins including interpolators, functions, flyovers and tasks.
  • Tasks to build complex animations and F/X.
  • Multiple scenes (only default scenes are teleportable).
  • Scene transitions.
  • Expressions, functions and variables.
  • Parallel and off-sync property animations.
  • Teleportable JQuery-like containers.
  • Teleportable flyovers.


  • Saves frame-by-frame into a file sequence with transparency and at high resolution.


  • Optional support for SCSS, LESS and TypeScript.



  • Localization of messages and plugin functionalities, including functions and variables.

BeamToIX has a complex system that allows to interpolate pixels, numbers, text, colors and much more. BeamToIX guesses the starting value and property type from CSS style information, or if that information is given via valueStart.

  • General CSS properties:

e.g prop: 'border-style'; valueText: ['dotted', 'dashed'].


  • Pixel properties. e.g. valueStart: 10px; value: 100;
  • Dual-pixel properties via paths.


  • Color properties. e.g. valueText: ['red', '#FF00AA'];


  • Formatted numerical properties. e.g. valueFormat: '%d%'; value: 100;
  • Unformatted numerical properties.


  • Image properties. e.g. prop: 'src'; valueText: ['a.png', 'b.png'];
  • Text properties.


  • class property. e.g. prop: 'class'; valueText: ['+class1 -class2'];
  • visible property. e.g. prop: 'visible'; duration: 1; value: 1;
  • transform property: e.g. prop: 'transform'; valueFormat: 'rotateX(%fdeg)';

BeamToIX doesn't supports CSS animations, but BeamToIX was designed in a way that its animations are similar to CSS animations, therefore it's easy to convert CSS Animations to BeamToIX animations. Besides the property interpolation described above, BeamToIX also supports:


  • Item-delay with disturbance to produce random effects.


  • CSS animation-iteration-count.

BeamToIX provides several interpolators, which can be defined by:

  • Teleportable Built-in interpolators. Accessible by name and ID.
  • Teleportable Expressions.
  • Plugins. Only official plugins can be teleportable.
  • Code Handlers due security reasons aren't teleportable.

BeamToIX has following interpolators:


  • Easings - The speed of motion.


  • harmonic and damped oscillators - Rotation and Balancing motion.


  • pulsar oscillator.


  • Paths - n-dimension motion.

The interpolators are chained in the following order: easing→oscillator→path.

BeamToIX has a rich toolset. Extensibility and teleportation are the key features of these tools. Unless is noticed, all the built-in tools support teleportation. Just like in the case of interpolators, Code Handlers aren't teleported, and the tools can be extended via plugins but only official plugins are teleportable.

BeamToIX has the following tools:


  • Scene transitions.


  • video-sync flyover [1].


  • Wrappers.


  • Text tasks:
    • text-split task.
    • typewriter task.


  • factory task.


  • decipher task.


  • color-attack task.


  • shape task.


  • speech shape task.


  • charts task.

and much more coming soon.

To create animations, It's only required to have the web browser library without the need of any software installed in the computer.

If you have nodejs already installed, install using npm:

npm install -g beamtoix

However, in order to render frames, generate gifs and movies, it requires:

  1. nodejs.

  2. To render, it requires puppeteer render server npm install -g puppeteer. Puppeteer installs Chromium by default, since Chromium is outdated and it has less features than Chrome, before installing puppeteer, read the following note on how to configure puppeteer to use Chrome instead of Chromium. BeamToIX also supports phantomjs but since its features are outdated it is preferable to use puppeteer.

  3. To generate gifs, it requires to have imagemagick on system path. For Windows users, read the following note.

  4. To create movies, it requires to have ffmpeg on the system path.

To check if 2-4 points are installed and configured, execute: beamtoix check

Try these examples online without any installation:

Start by creating a new project using the BeamToIX command line utility:

beamtoix create myproject

BeamToIX web browser library root is BeamToIX.Story. When you create a story, you define an immutable number of frames per second, and all animations are interpolated based on that fps.

on file js/main.ts:

  let story = BeamToIX.createStory(25); // creates a story with 25 fps

The story holds a collection of Scenes. Only one scene can be visible at a given moment in time except during the transition between two scenes. It represents the natural concept of a scene in a storyline. By using Scenes, BeamToIX can speed up the processing speed by reducing the global amount of calculations.

The bare-bones of a html file:

  <div class="beamtoix-story" id=story>
<div class=beamtoix-scene id=scene1>
<p id="hello">Hello world</p>

The bare-bones of a beamtoix.scss file:

$beamtoix-width: 200;
$beamtoix-height: 100;

The bare-bones of a scss file:

@use "./../beamtoix";
.beamtoix-scene {
  width: beamtoix.$beamtoix-width + px;
  height: beamtoix.$beamtoix-height + px;

Html Elements with beamtoix-scene class are added automatically. Scenes can be added manually with the following code:

 const newScene = story.AddScene();

Creating scenes with beamtoix-scene class is the preferable way. You add animations to the scene defining the time in 'seconds', 'milliseconds' or 'frames' but if it's defined in time, these are converted to frames based on the story fps.

selector: '#hello', // dom or JQuery selector
duration: '4s', // at 25fps, the duration is 100 frames
props: [
prop: 'left', // property, text, url to animate
easing: 'easeOutQuad', // easing
value: 100 // end value

You can add multiple properties in parallel or off-sync with the position or advance parameter.

BeamToIX command line utility is used to:

  1. checks if requirements are configured: beamtoix check.
  2. create projects: beamtoix create.
  3. launch a live server: beamtoix serve.
  4. create a png file sequence: beamtoix render.
  5. create gifs: beamtoix gif.
  6. create video clips: beamtoix movie.

For detailed examples, read: Command Line Utility. Read Requirements for details about the necessary software to install if you need to render, create gifs or movies on the local machine.

To migrate from ABeamer to BeamToIX:

  1. rename all the files and text from "ABeamer" to "BeamToIX".
  2. rename all the files and text from "abeamer" to "beamtoix".

Starting version 3+ due scss deprecated @import, the following changes must be applies to projects in prior versions:

  • beamtoix.ini becomes beamtoix.scss and it must contains the $width and $height variables
  • mains.scss @import becomes @use "./../beamtoix"
  • $width and $height outside beamtoix must be prefixed with beamtoix.

If you find this project useful, consider supporting it:

  • Donate:

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Image BeamToIX was built on Linux/Chrome/Puppeteer and tested on Windows, Firefox, Opera, MS IE11 and MS Edge.

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MIT License

(c) 2018-2025 Alexandre Bento Freire